Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Buttocks and Lies

Seems like so far, this hearing hasn't answered much at all. I figured I'd post during the fifteen minute break and give a quick recap of what has happened.

Right off the bat, Elijah Cummings attacked Clemens credibility using Andy Pettitte's deposition. Clemens used the approach that he believes Pettitte is mistaken. Tom Davis then came in and went more after McNamee, and used the Canseco party. All the evidence pointed to the fact that Clemens didn't go, but McNamee didn't back down.

The hearing has continued back and forth, and the trend has been Democrats going after Clemens and Republicans going after McNamee. The latest twist is Clemens former nanny remembering being at Canseco's house with Clemens at that weekend. This revelation lead to an outburst from the Clemens lawyer because of the foreshadowing that Clemens and his attorneys tampered with the witness.

John Tierney made Clemens look bad because of all the times he has contradicted himself over talking to McNamee about HGH. Dan Burton was the most brutal, going after McNamee and straight-out saying that Brian McNamee is a liar.

One thing Mark Souder said was in my opinion one of the most interesting things. He said that the depositions that will be released this afternoon will be more damaging then the hearing is. I'm very interested in seeing what the depositions have to bring to the table.

Although this has not solved anything so far, it sure has been interesting. Most of the talk has been about buttocks and lies, and neither side has much credibility. The one person who is credible is Pettitte, who is over on the McNamee side. The outbursts from Clemens crew needs to stop though.

I'll come back with some more after the rest of this happens. I don't see anything being resolved in the hearing, but it is sure tough to see Clemens getting all rustled by this.

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